Please use this blog to help us remember Joshua Lee Anderson, who made the tragic and fatal decision to take his life on Wednesday, March 18, 2009. Please post any memories or thoughts you may have in the comments.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Why Biggie loves Josh

When we got our puppy, Biggie, in July 2007, the entire Anderson family met Biggie before we did. Josh's brother and sisters formed a relay to pick him up in TN from our breeder, and then they drove him up to Northern VA, where Biggie hung out for the day while we drove down from NYC to get him.

Here is Biggie's first video, taken by Josh. Watch with the sound turned up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I heard this I just thought about how when someone leaves us how precious just a little clip of their voice is. And also how little we really have left of someone's voice. It makes me want to save voice messages on my phone of people I love and make sure I have a video of each person.

When my neighbor and good friend Thelma died 2 years ago I was listening to my voice messages and there she was, "Roxy, I just wanted to call and see how you are doing me back." I didn't know that I had the message until I heard it...I listened to that message everyday for months.

Thank you for sharing this little clip for us all to be reminded of Josh's sweet, gentle voice that we miss so much!